Sunday 8 July 2012

Research questionnaire.

To find out what type of people read newspapers, I have came up with a short survey with a few questions which will help me find the largest group which newspaper companies do or should make as their target audience.

My questionnaire:

To get my results I had 15 different people complete the questionnaire so that the answers where varied and not all similar.
I found that majority of readers where male
and minority where female. This could be
because some females feel as though some
newspapers are made more attractive to male
readers by having male colours such as blue and
their main stories to be mainly sport.

    In this chart it implies that majority of readers
    are over 50 years old, which suggests that this
    could be the newspapers target audience for age.
    Reasons why the age maybe so late might be because
    the younger generation now have more access to the
    internet and understand it a lot more then the older
    population. However the older generation may just
    like to buy a newspaper rather then go on the internet 
    because it's how they have been brought up.
   This chart is in answer to question 6, "How often do 
    you purchase your local newspaper?". It shows that
    majority of readers purchase a newspaper daily rather
    then weekly or monthly. This maybe so that they can stay
    on top with the newest news. It could also suggest that
    the newspaper is a large company as it can afford and has
    time to create a brand new newspaper everyday, including new                         stories which can be hard to obtain. 
 This is a chart for question 9. The answers mirror that of
question 6, as the readers which buy the newspaper daily, 
read it daily.
This chart shows that most of the readers read the newspaper
for its sport, as five people have answered that is the main reason
why they purchase their newspaper. This maybe the reason why
from my results that more men purchase their local newspaper
then women, as they purchase it for the sports. Following with four
for recent incidents could imply that some readers are actually interested in finding out what horrific things have happened near their location, for example someone who has recently died in a car accident.
Other has been the next top answer, this could be such things as to read their daily horoscope or just buying it because they have nothing else to read. Lastly is Stories and Weather, these maybe least selected because you can easily find this information out online or on the television quicker.

Through doing this I have found that newspapers target audience should be elderly people, perhaps because they're more interested in purchasing a print copy rather than going online or getting their information from television. Also I found that males are more likely to read a newspaper then females this maybe because of the most newspapers are bought because of the sport. There is also a much more dominance in people purchasing their local newspaper daily to find out the most up to date news which implies that a newspaper has to find new stories and information everyday, it could also suggest that most newspapers are large companies.

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