Wednesday 30 January 2013

Newspaper Questionnaire

Newspaper Feed Back questionnaire

Below I have written ten questions which are in my questionnaire on audience feedback. I will give it out to a sample of random people so that I can get real feedback from my potential audience on whether or not my newspaper is realistic and if they would purchase it from a supermarket.

  • Do you think my newspaper looks as though it would be sold in a shop?                     
          NO                 YES

  • Do you think that I have stuck to the traditional layout for a newspaper?
          NO                 YES
  • Do you think the price is fair?
          NO                 YES
  • What is the best part?
  • How old do you think the audience are?
          -18       18 - 35      36 - 60     61+
  • Do you think I have used pictures well?
          NO                 YES
  • Do you think that it is promote and would stand out in a supermarket?
          NO                 YES
  • Do you think that my adverts are effective?
          NO                  YES
  • Do you think the stories are appropriate  for the audience? 
          NO                  YES
  • Does the masthead and logo seem realistic? 
          NO                   YES

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