Monday 7 January 2013

Radio Advert Script

Radio Advert Script

*Sound effects of a gym environment lasting 5 seconds*;
                                                             Gym equipment being used 
                                                             Ambient non diegetic music: Witness by Roots Manuva
                                                             Background dialogue: Other members talking 
Dialogue begins:
Person 1: This place is great, where did you here about it?
Person 2: In that new newspaper, Portishead Post, you know?
Person 3: Awh yeah, I've heard of that, the one that is only 30p right?
Person 2: Yeah, thats the one!
Person 1: What's in it?
Person 2: The latest Portishead news, stories, adverts...
Person 3: (Interrupts) And great deals!
Person 1: Where can I get it?
Person 2: Any local Portishead newsagents or supermarket
Person 1: I think I will pick one up next time I go in for my shopping 
Person 3: Yeah you should it's great
Instructor: Hey back to work, you guys, get pumping!
Person 1, 2 and 3 Laugh  

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