I first decided to have my second cover story as "Battery Point To Be Closed" so that it is slightly linked to my main cover story for conventionality, however I began to believe that this would make it too focused on Battery Point and this would disrupt the balance in stories, as my inside page is also about Two Teens Stuck In Mud. In conclusion to this thought, I have decided to change the second story on my cover, so that it doesn't link at all to the main cover story.
Recently the weather in the South West has been dramatic, especially surrounding Bristol. It has been a mixture of weather, including flooding. The Portbury Hundred is one of four ways in which Portishead citizens and tourists can come and go into the small town, when bad weather occurs it usually gets flooded and dangerous traffic begins. I think that this would be a suitable story for my second story as the readers can truly relate to the flooding as it is the main road getting from Portishead, into Bristol. My new second story will be called Portbury Hundred To Be Closed, although there isn't really a difference in the headline, apart from the location of the closure, I still think that this is appropriate headline as it is easy to understand and is direct as it tells the important information straight away.
For this story I also don't need to get a picture as it is just a short side story not the cover story. By not placing a photo with it, I think I have made certain that this will not distract my readers from the main cover story.
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