Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Inside Page Layout Idea!

As you can see in my previous post into inside page research I have been strongly influenced by the Mercury rather than The Times this is because I believe that it is a more traditional layout and I feel that it will appeal to my readers more.

This is a sample of my inside page:

Inside Story:

My inside page main story will be a continuous of the story which is on the front, "Two Local Teens Stuck In The Mud". However in my layout for my front page I have written that I will be putting the whole story on the front, I have now decided to only put the story inside and just leave the front cover with a picture of the sea front and a cover line. I believe that this would increase interest in my newspaper, as they will only see part of the story on the front which results in them needing to purchase the newspaper to read the rest of the story which is on the inside page. To get my pictures for my inside page I will need borrow a camera from Sixthform. The picture in the inside page will differ from the front cover, even though they are the same story. I would like to either take a picture of the Portishead Fire station/Police station from outside, hopefully a time where firemen are hanging about outside, or I would like to have a picture of two young men standing on the sea front, after the incident. This would provide the reader with a sense that everything ended up fine, which is in contrast to the front cover, where the shocking headline and photo will be. 

Other Parts:
In my past post of my idea for my inside page layout I have said that will not be doing a advert banner along the bottom, however I feel that this is a regular structure of a newspaper inside page, so I will do to. This advert will differ from the one on front cover, I may do it on the Italian restaurant doing "2 for 1" similar to that of the Evening Post.

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