Friday 12 October 2012

Logo design

The image to the right is a drawing which I have done of a draft design of my logo for my newspaper, which I have talked about in a past post. I decided to go with the large bold double "P"s because my newspaper is called Portishead Post and by doing this it will make my newspaper well recognised by the pubic. By adding the statue into my logo I think this also generates popularity as readers will know where it is located and they will feel part of the community, this will also happen to the newspaper. By using the statue this gives the newspaper a chance to feel as though they are in with the community. I decided to put the double "P"'s on top of a trophy stand so that the readers understand that the newspaper is proud of being part of the Portishead community, this could conclude in customers purchasing the newspaper because of its closeness with the community. This also conveys the newspapers importance, making it seem as though it has won something and is standing above the rest of the newspapers. I have also decided to over lap the "P"'s so that it seems as though they are closely connected so that it feels as though they are together and tightly bonded. 
Although I do like my design I think that it might be too complex and chaotic as there is a lot going on for one logo. I believe that maybe if I get rid of the double "P"'s and stand, leaving my logo just the statue itself, this could be a small but powerful statement for my logo. However, this could also make it too simplistic, but looking back on my research of logos, I see that most of other newspapers logos are simplified but easily recognised.  
If I conclude in simplifying my logo, to just the statue of the human I will add two small objects. One will be the object of a newspaper rolled up in my statues hand, making it seem as though it is thrusting the newspaper into the hands of the audience. My second object would be that of golden wings on the bottom of it's feet, similar to that of the mythological, Hermes, the messenger of the Greek Gods. Also the "Mercury" newspaper, is another name for Hermes, which implies the same sense of delivering important messages quickly. 
Through doing this I think that it will imply a sense of urgency, that the newspaper needs to be delivered fast and directly to the reader. It also suggests that the newspaper is quick at delivery and always gets the news to you on time, with the most updated information. This would go well with my slogan, "News you can use" as it also implies that the newspaper is quick, because it's short and snappy.  By reinforcing that my newspaper will be more based on Hermes/Mercury rather than superman makes certain that my newspaper wont seem tacky and inelegant, as Hermes was portrayed as a classy, tasteful and muscular helper of the Gods.  

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