Thursday 15 November 2012

My final advert design

For my final advert I decided to do something that was conventional to all the newspapers that I have studied. This is that the advert is for a local business, which readers can easily get in touch with as they are in the area. Below is a sample of my advert.

The advert's main purpose is to sell miniature paintings of peoples pets, painted by a well known local artist. Readers will feel as though they can trust the artist and newspaper for promoting the artwork because he is the "winner of the famous Portishead Railway Art Competition", which is a great achievement and as it is on the rage at the moment, readers will already know of the poster which the artist painted to win. This gives the advert power over its competitors, as it is prominent and as people will buy the newspaper they will see the advert and consider using it. 
I have used the theme of Christmas to influence my advert, as Christmas is in two months time and this is something the audience may be thinking about, as they want to get presents for their loved ones. My colour scheme is green, red and white which reinforces the theme of Christmas, as these are the main colours used around this season. I also believe that by using a deep red my advert will become prominent on my second page and have a stark contrast to the bland white and black scheme of the newspaper itself. 
However if I was to have changed my advert I would have perhaps made the green writing lighter, although this may take away part of the Christmas theme and make my readers feel more with nature, rather then holiday spirt. I would also try to put some sort of frame around the paintings so that they look more fashionable and showy rather then just placed on there. I need to involve a type of heading or company name which will make it obvious what my advert is about, because at the moment the advert doesn't tell the reader what the topic is until they reader half way down it. Through achieving this I think I will name it "Pet Paintings" above the text and paintings so that it is the first thing that catches the readers eyes.

The image to the right is the newest version of my Pet Paintings advert. The changes I have made is that for the masthead. The new title is called Pet Paintings and is the name of the business, which is selling the paintings. I chose this name because I believe that it is catchy and it can relate to my newspaper title, as its initials are also “PP”. It also tells the reader straight what the advert is about, this defeats the vagueness I once had through having no title for my advert. By using a font, which is similar to real handwriting, I think I have made my advert look more artistic and this gives the reader an idea of what the advert is going to be about just by visually looking at it.
I also adapted the colour of my text, as it was once too dark to being easily noticeable, through doing this I kept the green but just lightened it up a bit. This ended with the text being more easily seen by the reader, instead of having to come so close to read it.

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