Monday 3 September 2012

Colour Scheme Two

The picture on the right shows the colour I have chose for my Masthead, which is Royal Blue. 
This is quite similar to other newspapers as they also use blue, however the Evening post uses more of a deep blue, such as Navy Blue. I may also use this colour for my dateline so that they match. 

Unlike Chronicle and Echo I think I will adopt the same idea of Evening Post and Daily Post by not having too many different colours scattered around as this can make the newspaper look untidy and cluttered. By having three or four different colours or different tones of a colour I will achieve my goal of making my newspaper look formal but still quite fun. 
Colours in which I will be interested in using as well as Royal Blue, will be a tone of red and green or red and a lighter shade of blue. I have chose these colours because I think that they mesh well and could become a good colour scheme.

The image to the right is my choice in colour for my shade of red. 
This I will use for telling which stories are on what page in my newspaper, also if I decide to have "Exclusive" parts in my newspaper I can use this colour for my writing, as the Evening Post does. 

For my headlines and bylines I have decided to keep my newspaper simplistic by keeping them black. This is similar to the Daily Post and Evening Post. I think that this could cause my newspaper to become less noticeable as it could blend in when on sales. However I think that this is the best for my newspaper as it is the basic structure. 

If I decide to have a third colour for my newspaper I have chose to use the colour which is on the swatch to the right. I might decide to use small backgrounds or outlines for my bylines, if so then I will use the colour to the right. 


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