Wednesday 19 September 2012

Two Teens Stuck In Mud: Updated

Second Draft:

Two Teens Stuck In Mud

Rescued by the local police and fire brigade, two teens got themselves into a sticky situation. Both boys, which cannot be named for legal reasons have been saved after indulging in too much alcohol and deciding to take a trip into the muddy Bristol Channel, near Battery Point.

P.C Knowland, aged 49, was the first officer on scene, who told us that "when I asked for their explanation on what was going on it was apparent that a heavy amount of alcohol had been consumed as we couldn't easily understand them and they slurred their words." When P.C Knowland and other officers tried to figure out a way in which they could pull the boys out, it quickly came apparent that they needed help.

The fire-fighters where able to drag the boys from the thick mess simply by using man strength and the hose from the trusty fire engine. "We were called to the scene but by the time we had got there it was clear that they needed further assistance, and this is when we knew we had to take action." Said the head fire fighter, Paul Mcgreedy. 

"If the youths were sober, we probably could have got them out much sooner and with less hassle."As the two boys did cause a lot of commotion that night, we do know that they're save with their friends and family now.

What all started out as a summer evening trip down to the local lake grounds of Portishead turned into a dangerous accident which could have been fatal, because of the effects of drinking alcohol.

 P.C Knowland told us that "It started out as a group of five youths, enjoying their evening with a few bottles of wine, until two of the members decided to carry on drinking so bought some supermarket vodka, which lead us to believe this is how they became more reckless and intoxicated then the other three."

Once P.C Knowland and the rest of the team had released the teens from the mud, covered in muck, still slightly intoxicated and in shock, the boys returned to their friends and family on the sea wall and hosed themselves off.

 The parents said: "We thank the local police and fire brigade for saving our children and getting them back to us safely, they wont be going out unsupervised until they're 20." 

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