Thursday 6 September 2012

The Evening Posts Change In Name.

Interestingly, I found that through more recent research that The Evening Post is now The Post. This is because less people are purchasing newspapers because of new technologies, such as websites and mobile phones, where they can asses the same information more quickly and for free. This causes newspapers to lose customer interest, as readers have to wait for a week to get the latest news, when they could easily log on to a computer and get the news pretty much straight away.

As I was studying the Evening Post, right before it turned into The Post, in April 2012 I found that even then they stop just doing one story on the inside page, now they spread out their main story across to page three. This causes slight problems for the making of my newspaper as I will only be making a page two and will have to keep the story to one page rather then The (Evening) Post which uses two. I believe that they do this so that the readers get a more insight picture and can see more clearer. It also grabs the attention of the reader as it differs to other newspapers which only use the inside page to explain their main story.

The image below is an annotation of The Evening Post showing how the story on the second page leaks onto the third page, which makes it similar to a double page spread which is seen in magazines.

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