Monday 3 September 2012

Looking For A New Masthead Font!

In my previous post I explained how I'm not going to use the "Phosphrous Family" for my masthead, so now I have to look for a new one which I believe will be better and more suitable. To start off my search for my font I will return to Dafont where I found my last group of potentials. I found myself looking in the same category again, "Serif" as this is the main quality I want for my masthead.
Two fonts that caught my attention where both on page three and coincidently right by each other. These fonts where called "Timeless" and "Day Roman". As you can see from one of my past posts into font research I have already written about Day Roman and it was also in my list of favourites.
Day Roman                                                                                                                              Timeless


As presented you can see that I have also gone from my past post of having all letters in lower case apart from the first letter to having the whole masthead in block capitals. I have made this decision based on the convention that newspapers use capital letters for their titles, which is shown in my research, for example the Evening Post. 

I do feel as though Day Roman is more interesting then Timeless because of the shape of the letter "R" and because it does look as though it uses more Serif, it also looks more formal because of this. However the font does not come in Bold, unlike Timeless which does. This also mirrors the look of the Evening Post as it also uses a bold font, this is a pattern throughout my researched mastheads as they are all in bold apart from The Cornwall Review which is not and mostly lower case.
Although I have been ambivalent I think that Day Roman is the best choice for my Masthead over Timeless as I believe that it is best suited for my newspaper and I feel as though Timeless is a little to bland, so by not having my masthead in bold it will help it's originality. It will also look great in Royal Blue!

My final choice is below! 

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