Thursday 13 September 2012

Last Thoughts For My Front Page

The image to the right is my final idea for my front page.
It would be conventional for me to use a celebrity on my front page, as local newspapers do try to hang on loosely to the outside community as much as possible so that they still have connections and can appeal to a larger audience. However my newspaper differs to it as I have removed the tacky celebrity story, which I think would make my newspaper seem as though it is too involved in the outside world. I also believe that it would not appeal to the audience I want and some readers may just purchase my newspaper for the celebrity stories rather then the local news. I hope to attract an older audience, that of young adults of demographic A to D1, both female and male. This gives me a chance to aim at a larger audience then that of my past AS coursework where I had to choose a specific target audience. I have also changed it so that I have only a small part of my main cover story on the actual cover, I have decided to let it leak onto the inside page as I believe this will encourage my readers to purchase the newspaper because they wont know what the stories ending is till they buy it. By replacing the column, that was originally for sports and other local news to be a short story and an advert for the community gym, I think this helps make the layout of my newspaper seem as though it is more formal and it also mirrors the set out of The Evening Post and Chronicle, which are my two main researched newspapers. Placing a slogan and logo in my masthead helps to make my newspaper have individuality and more attraction to my readers, as they will be able to spot it out whilst looking through the newspaper stand. I have also switched the position of the advert banner around, by placing it above the masthead rather then the bottom of the front cover as I believe this will convey its importance, however I do not want my advert banner to become more highlighted rather then my masthead. To counter this I will make sure that I make my masthead "Portishead Post" larger and more bold then the advert banner.

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